We're from different places. We're motivated by the same thing. We're going in different directions. We're looking for the same thing. As we chase different individual achievements, we simultaneously influence culture on a collective level. OUT OF MANY creates concepts that align with the idea of achieving, both individually, and collectively.
The initial collections aim to promote awareness of the brand and develop our following. Future collections will portray concepts that creatively align with our philosophy of individually and collectively achieving.
Launching now are the universal basics: T’s, Tanks, Sweatshirts, Hats, Accessories, and more. Our goods are created in the simplest way currently possible, while retaining quality. The process is streamlined and efficient, and the delivery of the goods is as minimalistic as possible, in order to save on material input. Our minimum viable product approach helps us to more quickly grow, while continuously improving the brand and lifestyle experience.
We recognize that brands can greatly impact positive change. We’re working on future collaborations with specific philanthropic organizations and other brands that align with our vision. Our philanthropic collaborations will include commitments from us, such as contributing a percentage of our proceeds to these specific organizations, or sponsoring programs and projects. Our brand collaborations will serve as a platform for continued growth and refreshing creativity.
We're all different. We're all the same. We are OUT OF MANY.
Follow us @weareoutofmany & #weareoutofmany